Podcast Coaching Laser Sessions

90 minute 1:1 podcast coaching workshops paired with a follow up session.

Each coaching package is focused on a single area for podcast growth.

Each package is $500.

Online merchandise marketing plan
Marketing and Messaging
In this package, we'll define your ideal listener avatar and listener journey. Then we'll craft a clear and effective message for your podcast's brand and outline where it will fit across your ideal marketing materials.
woman is recording vlog
Vocal and Speaker Coaching
Build confidence in your speaking power in this session. As a trained classical vocalist, professional singer and former stage actress, I will guide you through the tools you need to sound great AND feel confident on mic OR video. I will help you build confidence in yourself, your skills on the microphone and ease with interviewing or solo speaking.
Writing an essay
Content Creation/Planning
We'll define your content pillars based on your marketing goals, start building ideas for your future content and episodes, then set up a schedule that will keep your listeners and followers engaged.